Sep 25Liked by Jack Ohman’s You Betcha!

Liars, liars, liars. Trumps picks for the Supreme Court were not picked by Trump. They were picked by Mitch McConnell and they lied, lied, lied when they testified about about ROE being settled law.

Trump lies, SCOUTUS lies and most importantly the political leaders of the states of the old south lie to their citizens and the citizens lie to themselves. Lies-Lies-Lies.

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Yup Jack!

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Sep 26Liked by Jack Ohman’s You Betcha!

You have a point Jack! When he writes in short words and capitals, figures McDonalds is Haute Cuisine, it is a bit of a stretch, even with the purchased diplomas, that he can come up with an analysis of any kind! I mean if there had been any sliver of an opening for a bigoted, DEI choice (his phrase, not mine:) Mark Robinson would be on their too, probably because a current set of robes fit him!!

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It’s all about the caps.

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Sep 25Liked by Jack Ohman’s You Betcha!

Masterful job, Jack. If you were in court you could easily say “I rest my case.” Keep ‘em coming. Election Day is still a light at the end of this long tunnel. BTW, a commentary on Joe’s UN speech would make a great column. I hope you’ll do it. We owe Joe an enormous debt. Another BTW, a rumor was circulating yesterday that the moron was considering dropping Senator Fiddle Faddle and replacing him with—now get this— Marjorie Trailor Queen.

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I am grateful for readers like you, John.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Jack Ohman’s You Betcha!

So, when Kamala wins [which she certainly will] - will you retire for the lack of material and write books about fly fishing?

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Studying that. Probably not. There’s still evil in Gotham City.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Jack Ohman’s You Betcha!


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