
Well Jack funny you should bring up the Cuban Missile Crisis and October 22. That happens to be the first day I spent in the army Oct 22, 62. The welcoming speech, at midnight, by the drill Sergeant went into great detail about the Cuban Blockade and how that was usually the first step of war and that we recruits would most likely be first on the Cuban beaches as the experienced veterans would be doing the mopping up after we absorbed the brunt of the Cuban defensive firepower. I had joined to get out of a home town that had little regard for the child of "okies" fleeing the dust of the Great Depression not to die on some nameless beach on Cuba. The Sergeants final words of wisdom were "Pay attention to what we will be teaching you in the days and weeks to come and in your spare time practice your Spanish". Thanks to Kennedy in a couple of weeks the crisis became a footnote in my history rather than a tombstone for my final resting place.

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I can just imagine how the moron would have dealt with international relations in the 1960s and 1970s. Remember the Great Grain Robbery, when a large fraction of the US grain supply was sold off to the USSR? US farmers accused the government of selling the grain at low prices to the USSR to keep domestic prices low. But then a few weeks later domestic prices went through the roof because of the shortage created by the sale. The moron could never in a million years understand what happened. Yesterday in a painful interview by the economics community in Chicago he once again insisted that the US had been paid “billions” by the Chinese because of the tariffs. How many times has it been explained to this numbskull that it doesn’t work that way? Mary says he gets something firmly in his head and it must therefore be true.

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Apr 18, 2017 -

Politics & Policy

Trump's North Korean "armada" sailed in wrong direction

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I love it Jack!! Thankfully, smallHands was not the President back then! But you portrayed it well-and thanks for these reminders that get everyone out to vote-that's all we need to do so we never see the the true intentions of this evil man (ok, 8 yr.old in old orange body!!)

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