Amen, Jack. Their moral compasses are up their arses. I canceled by NYT subscription twice over the last two years. Now, I won't go back for even $4 a month. Nope. No way.

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Superb take, Mr. O. I read that piece -- there go some brain cells I'll never get back -- and cannot believe the lack of response from the world at large. I looked around for Allen Funt but had to come to the bewildering conclusion that this was not a "just kidding" put-on.

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And some ectomorphs are very fine people.

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“Trump can win on character.” That sounds like a banner of an Andy Borowitz column. Alas, no. I read it and it was Lowry’s suggestions on ways trump could try to assassinate Kamala’s character. I skimmed it - was there anything about trump’s character? Character??

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I hang in there because I love the games section. However, this piece has pushed me over the edge. I will be cancelling my beloved NYT subscription tomorrow. Hanging in there to see if they print my comments. I doubt they will. A shame, really,

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I cancelled my NYT couple of months ago for something they either said or didn't say about President Biden--it was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

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Just canceled the NYT subscription. You're right; they're bending over backwards to be "fair". Fair, schmair. who needs this BS. Sad, thought, the NYT used to be the American paper of record.

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