Sep 3Liked by Jack Ohman’s You Betcha!

If we are going to turn politics into a beauty pageant (or, have we already?), we're all screwed.

Unless we start looking at beauty that comes from within, it's not a fair contest.

Of course Trump would lose either way. Beauty on him is shoe-polish tan skin-deep (derived from shoe-polish) at most. Under that, I can imagine that he is a pile of wormy festering excrement that would repulse the strongest of stomachs.

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Sep 3Liked by Jack Ohman’s You Betcha!

The long ago contretemps is, of course current. That "bag of caca" calls himself better looking than Kamala? In your dreams, Caca breath.

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Sep 3Liked by Jack Ohman’s You Betcha!

Ah, Jack, Jack, Jack. On a crummy Oregon day of gray, high clouds determined to become hazy afternoon sunshine - weather more appropriate for the beginning of October than the beginning of September - you lift my grumpy mood! I am most indebted!

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Sep 3Liked by Jack Ohman’s You Betcha!

Happy belated birthday. 🎂🎂🎂

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