Jul 24Liked by Jack Ohman’s You Betcha!

Maybe the question should be, can Trump beat her. Nancy Pelosi made her presidential bones with Trump, and she's with Kamala. I think Alexandra Pelosi opined that her mother could slit someone's throat and they wouldn't realize they were bleeding until it was too late, or something to that effect.

Trump can't stop himself from eructating whatever's of his tiny little mind at any given moment. I think 90 days is plenty of time for him to piss off every independent woman in the country, and still offend everyone one of color.

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She’s off to a good start. I think she wins after the usual racist shitshow. And yeah, Nancy is that good.

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Most any candidate should win against the worst person in the history of American politics, who isn't technically eligible to hold public office in the USA. Hopefully she will do so.

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Didn’t you hear? The moron and his new henchman have pronounced Biden “the worst president in history” and Kamala as “even worse”. We can only hope that such erudition can only lead to a wipeout of the R’s. We need a deep cleaning of the house. And the senate. And the courts.

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Huffpo: "Kevin McCarthy Goes To Town On ‘Stupid And Dumb’ GOP Attacks On Kamala Harris". One has to admit, you really can't argue with Kevin's assessment. He knows stupid and dumb better than most.

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As a lifelong fan of Looney Tunes, you had me at Wile E. Coyote - Supergenius. (Greatest name in the history of anything)

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Hubba hubba!

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