I teach Math at the University of South Carolina Aiken. I'm originally from Ohio (Columbus), and one of my departmental colleagues is from Springfield. Talking with her yesterday, she said kids are having a hard time - especially at her old high school - and mental health providers are stretched to the limit. Vance continues to double down. He should be charged with domestic terrorism.

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Absolutely!! And placed in a factory recycling Cat litter!!

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Tying Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds together with black feather's all over J.e.D.'s beard, and the whole thing starts to make sense!!

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The flat lies these guys come out with are truly flabbergasting, even after the decades we’ve put up with it with the moron. If the media had started calling him on it decades ago … well, we’ve watched that movie before. The odd thing about the present dangerous lies is that we can’t seem to find a way to shut them down, and the MAGAts continue to believe them. Early on in this debacle some citizens of the town were interviewed about their thoughts about the Haitians among them. The response was that they were welcome; the town had lost a large fraction of the population and had a severe labor shortage. The Haitian emigres were welcome additions to the labor force. Re-interviews of this sort would go a long way towards shutting the moron and JD up.

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The problem with this ilk is they don’t live in our world of raising people up, just tearing people down! Part evil, part moron and many parts inwardly-focused! They think they are smart accusing us of what ThEY do! To address your dilemma!: “Everything you say to a stupid person is a mistake”

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