When did Kamala Harris know that Biden has dementia? Why did she keep quiet about this and why did she keep saying he was as mentally sharp as ever?

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She is complicit in the cover up, actively lying to the American people. Her incompetence is as obvious as Biden’s dementia.

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Kamala had the responsibility to 25th Amendment Biden and she did not fulfill her responsibility; impeach Kamala.

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Not to put too fine a point on it, but he was just tested for dementia and doesn't have that.

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I missed the story that Biden had just been tested for dementia and doesn't have it. Do you happen to have a link/source for this assertion? For weeks he's been saying he hasn't been tested and doesn't need to be tested because he's tested by his job every day, etc.

You really think he doesn't have dementia? "Old age" explains 500 "gaffes?"

I'm 58 and remember Reagan's first and second terms. I don't remember any events as alarming as what I see almost every day with Biden.

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Buddy, I just read what you read. He has had a doctor in there for months checking him. Maybe you missed Reagan’s first debate.

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All: Jack Ohman has banned fellow substack author, Bill Rice, Jr., for these two posts. What happened to freedom and democracy, Mr. Ohman?

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The doctor is complicit in the cover up as well.

Fascinating that the people who literally subvert democracy by throwing the candidate the voters actually voted for under the bus and installing the new monarch without a democratic vote, are the same ones crying wolf about the “existential threat to democracy” posed by the other side. 🤦

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He's just old, something we all will be, if we're lucky. Reagan actually was in early stage dementia and died from it. No one said a thing.

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Not all old people have dementia. Just saying.

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I recall Reagan’s dementia being openly discussed, not obfuscated. Perhaps I remember wrong.

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I don’t believe he was formally “tested.” And simple observation would give you the answer anyway. Take good care of yourself Mr. Biden!

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I’m hoping you believe as I do, that true democracy requires we all listen to each other’s opinions and views, with calm heads, and weigh things on their basis and then let the truth and wisdom naturally rise to the top. It’s quite easy with calm heads.

However, if we try to limit what can be heard by silencing certain views we are limiting our ability to make intelligent, informed decisions ourselves. We hurt and rob ourselves of what can truly make us worthy.

Of course - this is the tactic widely used politically these days, to silence any dissenting opinion and control the narrative by controlling what others can actually hear. By demonizing those who speak against what you want everyone to believe, and labeling them “racists” or “nazis”, you can make people afraid to associate with them and be resistant to listening to what they have to say. That certainly is NOT how democracy works. That is indeed how a dictatorship works. Or even an oligarchy. It certainly is not democratic.

We all know that truth, common sense, and clarity will eventually rise to the top in any free and truly open discussion. That scares a LOT of people since it can hurt their personal aspirations and agendas, so they squash the airways and control what people can hear so that nothing derails them getting what they want: winning, because winning has become more important than true democracy. Just look at any middle school bully and you can see this clear as day.

But if that’s the only way to win, what exactly are you winning and is it even worth it?

Ultimately this collective practice of silencing opposing views is the single most violent threat to our democracy today, far more dangerous than anything or any one person. It’s more dangerous than the figureheads of Trump or Vance or Biden or Harris. Not only are those who are behind the censoring and silencing of the masses both online and in the mainstream media a grave danger to us all, but the average joes who put their fingers in their ears and chant “la la la” to all opposing views are as well.

Sometimes it’s hard to read the opposing view, I know, but it’s absolutely necessary in a TRUE democracy. If one can’t handle hearing what they don’t wish to hear then one should not be in the discussion at all. I will never silence those who believe or speak differently than I do. I WANT them to be heard because I WANT democracy. That’s why I fully read your article all the way to the end.

In the spirit of true, democratic discourse, I want you to consider opposing views about Harris. It may not change your views and beliefs, and that’s OK, but it is necessary for you to consider more things than you presently are. It’s also necessary to remove any instilled bias against the author and just listen to what she is actually saying.


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Get back on your meds.

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Wow. What a jerk.

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Wow, someone took the time to say something kind who had a different view than you and this is your response. What a horrible response.

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Hey. Go away.

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Unfortunate that you can’t even have a rational conversation. Feel free to block me. But don’t worry, I won’t be back. Keep your echo chamber.

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Well said.

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Kamala os complicit in cover up Joe dementia. Plus no one voted for her in the primary? What happened to democracy?

You should check this article out: https://open.substack.com/pub/billricejr/p/this-might-be-a-record-i-was-banned?r=nbl2d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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All the Dems cry about is democracy, then they pull a coup and destroy it.

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Both my parents and my grandmother had Alzheimer's dementia. I watched them as they progressed through all the horrifying stages of that dreadful illness. I also have a husband who now has dementia and Parkinson's and am watching his deterioration. I've watched Biden since way before he became president. I've watched his slow progression - there is NO question he has dementia and Parkinson's. That is why the 25th amendment was just invoked, he's not in any shape to govern America.

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Jack Ohman - you are a despicable creature and spreader of ridiculous nonsense. When anyone comments ever so nicely on your false narrative, you bully then block. What a COWARD. A high percentage of people feel that the world needs much less of the likes of you. You betcha!

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Right on. 💙

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See what a fancy SF person I am? ;-). Call me.

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Kids my ass.

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Thank you, Jack. I knew you as the political cartoonist in the Oregonian. I never suspected you were not only able to sum up an issue in one box but do as well or better with a writing pen than a drawing pen. I am indebted for your insight.

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Interesting read, but the best part of your substack are the comments and the different points of view. Loved the banter between you and Bill Rice, best way for all of us to learn and come together is to hear all voices!

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He banned him within 180 seconds.

That tells you everything about whether Jack Ohman can cope with opposing viewpoints.

(Pointing out reality can be confronting in a rose-colored world).

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No longer can felon-45 pretend to be the less decrepit candidate.

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Looks like Jack Ohman can only survive in his echo chamber! Such a thin skinned person (didn't want to say man there, in case he takes that as a compliment).

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Go fuck yourself.

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This is VOMIT! Every word in this article is a misrepresentation of truth! Kamala didn’t received any votes running against Biden. All this praise is baseless and she was brought up by parents who never hid their Marxists views. As one example of Kamala record: cases which propelled her to higher stage were later settled for millions by CA.

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Oh these little people, of timid hearts and modest intellect

Displaying such great enthusiasm, in their defense of a tyrant

If they could harness such fervor and put it to a good use

They could look into a mirror and see beauty

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The class divide is real

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