She left him far more than he deserves. BTW, outstanding word play.

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Go get him, Ann. He deserves every sword stroke.

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The P🙃st opened up a big can of jelly whoop ass

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The pen is mightier than the, well, you gave him far too much credit.

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You went there.

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I don’t work for anyone. Just me.

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I love it.

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OHH Nooo 😂🤣🤣🤧🥹😂😆 Who loves you? We Do ! Thanks and will reStack ASAP 💯👍💦

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I am Ann, hear me roar

An editorial cartoonist not to ignore

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If only ...

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Nailed it :D

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Wow - Phallic much?

Took me a three-count.

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Good on her. Now for something completely different:

Bezos changed retail nearly beyond recognition. No more musty and/or badly stocked retail “department” stores for U.S. Even the once dodgy USPS has been markedly(!) improved. It’s called competition. And they pay their bills on time.

My Question: is he kowtowing to the Orange puss ball or is he protecting his millions of customers and shareholders from Donold’s vile retribution if he didn’t? I dunno. Thoughts? Prayers?

Serious question.

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Either way, he's still a dick!

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Outstanding! Thank you!

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