Aug 2Liked by Jack Ohman’s You Betcha!

Dearly loved Kamalamania Vs. Maniac. The ABC studio camera and runaway crimson cravat are keepers. I'm showing my age at cartooning (the Reagan years), but do you remember a time when there was this special paper you would brush chemical(s) on and crosshatching would appear? Stunk like hell, but at the time it was like magic.

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DUOSHADE! Yes, Pat, I did use it until about 1987, when I noticed that it faded. So I switched to Strathmore. More crosshatching, which made my cartoons look less like everyone else's.

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I'll proudly be your Photoshop bitch any day!

Love your writing as much or more than your cartoons. Kudos!

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I'd love to see a progress shot of each cartoon, from pencil to ink to coloring...

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So brilliant! Since we've never met in person (unless Phil Stanford dragged you to Cannon Beach to speak to a writing class) I probably never told you about the time my boss was dating a woman who was Grand Master of Oregon's granges. (Grand Masters, in fraternal orgs, are never wimmin!) My latin teacher (who was there at the language's inception) once told a joke in class about how her father was an elk and her uncle was an odd fellow. Caps for those. I'd order a pound of cartoons but there's no room for anything new here. Thx for the laffs.

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Full Disclosure I am the Marc Murphy mentioned in the article. I received no compensation for said reference. If you enjoyed the article much of it was my idea. If you didn’t, I have no memory of ever having met a Mr. Jack Ohman. Further, if you liked it, I agree. It was brilliant, like everything he does.

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Windows. Drawing lots of windows are also your least favorite (I’ll unearth the video I did of you).

Love your scratchin’!

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Geez Jack have you been tested for ADHD? Several of your nieces and nephews have it. BTW went to Menards are got new water softener. It’s a honey. I’ll call you when I’m installing it.

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Jack, Here's another substack to consider. Hank Shaw's (formerly of Sacramento) "To The Bone" https://tothebone.substack.com?r=dntk7

He also has a James Beard Award Winning Blog, "Hunter Gather Cook" which is outstanding https://honest-food.net/

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