Musk is just another rogue dorknerd (coined just for Musk) who's only desire in life is to be one of the "cool lids" but's he's constitutionally incapable of ever doing anything cool.

So, being a dorknerd with cashflow, Musk created a $44 billion detention hall where he can hang with the unwashed masses of dorknerds and convince each other that they are, in fact, the cool kids.

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Musk is a sloppy bar lizard empowered by a shitload of money, no more, no less. Too bad, he was handed an immortality of good deeds, and he pissed on it.

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I was leaning toward Beshear but had a Eureka moment. Buttigieg is a gamble for the reasons we all know. But no one is better groomed...I mean' prepared' for the job in every way. I'm a risk taker ( e.g. Hey! Watch this....ow, ow!) We're turning cultural acceptance corners everyday. Do any of us really care about that orientation anymore?

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And to add to the Musk sticky smell - have you seen the "parody" he posted to his feed? The very reason he tried to stop AI with OpenAI is now being used by him to spread false and disgusting lies about Vice President Harris using the deep-fake video. I still want to know what the convicted felon promised him for his donation to the superpac - NASA? DOD contracts? Free access to all IT and AI intelligence development and technology?

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Did I hear Jack Ohman's name on CNN yesterday?

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