Amen, Brother. Why not the best, indeed? He was way, way ahead of his time and ended up with utmost admiration. His swinging that hammer at a Habitat project… amazing. I can’t even imagine what the moron would say if invited to do such a thing. Probably claim bone spurs in his elbow. Thanks for this lovely remembrance.

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I loved Jimmy Carter as our President. He was honest, principled and smart. Boy did the press have it in for him…I would always get so angry when people portrayed him as weak and stupid. Way to undermine a President. I’m so glad he went on to live his life so brilliantly; a shining star.

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Wonderful essay, Jack! We could use more politicians like Jimmy Carter.

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Woof, just brilliant. Me all teary eyed. Yeah, you shoulda gone fishing with him. One should always choose fishing.

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Such a beautiful tribute to a remarkable human being. May his legacy of kindness be never ending.

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Wonderful piece. I met Carter once, at the 2000 DNC in Los Angeles. I took some photos of him with some colleagues, but they did not return the favor. I mentioned to him that I had voted for him in 1976, casting my first ever vote as an 18 year old. “I needed that vote,” he replied, his stock answer I’m sure. “Yes you did,” I retorted. “It was Pennsylvania.” Happy 100th, Jimmy. I remember feeling as you did when he lost in 1980. I recall going to work and message came up on our green screen CRT computer screens. “Good morning. We have a new President. Ronald Reagan.” UGH.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

I met President Carter early in his first campaign in New Haven, Connecticut. I actually met him twice because he came around the room a second time fifteen minutes later and reintroduced himself. He had a good grip. Watergate still suffused the political air and I was able to ask a couple questions about how his administration would codify into law measures that would prevent another Watergate. He completely shut me down as if I was accusing him of participating or instigating a similar travesty. He proudly and dismissively declared that he, Jimmy Carter, would never, could never be involved in such skulduggery and there was no need for specific laws to prevent another occurrence. I love the man himself. He is an example of everything good about America and Christianity. But the self-righteousness telegraphed here came back to haunt him and in my mind prevented him from having a second term.

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This was such a sweet homage to an amazing human being. It made me feel hopeful that someday we might be smart enough to choose someone like him to be our leader. Thank you. I loved it.

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