I like Michael Lewis. He’s written at least two definitive books.

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Gotcha. Will do. Thanks!

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Loved "Commander In Cheat", but "Trumped!: The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump—His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall" tells the story of what an absolutely terrible businessman he is. Written back in 2016.

From the hypocrisy, bad deals, and the monumental debt to the untold tales of Marla and Ivana, Trumped! rips the mask off the mighty Trump façade—revealing a man whose castle is about to collapse. He is exposed for the fraud he is.

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Toss in a non-profitable airline that Frank Lorenzo, who could also steel defeat out of the jaws of victory in the business world, pawned off on Trump! I think the lack of shame in all areas of Trumpworld have been unprecedented in "all of history", (to use his words!! The acute Narcissism allows him to have a complete lack of connection with reality, and if he ends up selling hats with John Daly at his repossessed golf courses, he will still be pitching lost elections!!!

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Another car analogy- the AMC Pacer. Thought it was cool and different but really just wide and ugly.

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Jack, you crack me up! You are on such a tear! But I appreciate your efforts. Really! You say the things this good little Catholic girl is afraid to think. Keep saying them! Shout them from the rooftops! Never forget you do have an audience and they hear you!

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Amen to that!!

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Not sure how you feel about Michael Lewis, but the Fifth Risk should put off anyone who thinks this asshole is remotely competent. It’s a good read, add to your list…

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Good points re: NYT. I still subscribe, but that's to feed my Wordle/Connections/Strands & Maureen Dowd habits. Her reality-based Trump columns were very good, but she seems to have taken a long time off this fall (cue sinister chord progression: duhnt, duhnt, duhn).

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