
Voted for Bobby in the June California primary, the first time I was old enough to vote. My dad, a WWII army vet, voted for Eisenhower twice - I have an "I Like Ike" button somewhere - but when that Irish Catholic ran for president in 1960, my dad became a Democrat for life.

Always admired Hatfield. Once sent him a letter in support of his opposition to the death penalty and he responded with a three-page handwritten letter. I thought he should be president.

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I was 17, and completely spellbound by RFK in the months leading to his assassination. June 6, was a punch to the gut, not sure I've ever gotten over that night.

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Like you, reading about JFK and RFK reminds me of my dad, who also voted for Nixon in 1960, and then voted Democratic until the Evil One ran in 1980.

He saw RFK when he stopped in Fontana on May 29th, at 6pm. He woke me up early before he left for work on June 6 to tell me the bad news. He drove by the hospital in LA that morning, where RFK was holding on, perhaps, before heading to work. (not sure why he worked in Fontana on the 29th and LA on the 6th...)

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